Wednesday, 2 February 2011

First Post: Preparation

If someone would have told me, six months ago, that I would be planning to drive halfway around the world in a car that is barely sufficient to get to the supermarket and back I'd have probably told them to lay off the crack. The idea first came about while having a pint with Rich, he told me he had been wanting to do it for years. Well, it all seemed very exciting and a bit stupid, and like most exciting stupid ideas it ate away at the back of my mind for a couple of months until I finally caved-in and decided "Fuck it, lets do it". Shortly after I convinced my clog-wearing, rubber-making, friend Ralph to come along too! He didn't seem to take much convincing.

So, what have we been doing over the last few months?

Quite a lot actually, but there is still lots more to do! Ralph has been jetting back and forth from cloggie-land like the man on a mission that he is and together we have been building this website. I think it is starting to come together now. We have bought 1 out of 2 required cars, a tiny little red Suzuki swift with a tiny little 3 cylinder engine. This is the car that Rich and Kev will be driving into Mongolia, we are now on the look out for another swift of the same model (GLS 2002 or 2003).

We have a vague idea of a route, we're going north first via Finland and down through Russia!
Basically: UK -> France -> Belgium -> Netherlands -> Germany -> Czech Republic -> Poland -> Lithuania -> Latvia -> Estonia -> Finland -> Russia (St. Petersburg down to Astrakhan) -> Kazakhstan -> Into Russia Again -> Mongolia.

We have a planning website set up, sorry guys its secret! But we've using it to co-ordinate kit lists and costs, things we need to do to the cars etc! Mainly we use it to argue about whether we really have space for that extra beer fridge and 1 MW sound system and whether the silk escape map and 10 gold sovereigns sewed into our belts are really necessary.

I've started getting my VISA applications together, a bit of a tricky and expensive process! Lots of forms and the fear that they might be rejected (touch wood they won't).

So what is on my todo list:
Don't fail my degree!, get vaccinated, get travel insurance, finish this site, learn how to fix cars as much as possible in 5 months, learn as much Russian as I can in 5 months! Find some sponsorship and get lots of charity donations for CNCF!

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